We are not responsible for the content of external links or the accuracy, legality, or reliability of any information contained on external websites linked through our platform.
All images uploaded to this platform remain the property of their respective owners. By submitting an image, you affirm that you either own the copyright or have obtained the necessary permissions to upload the image.
If you upload an image that represents a brand, organization, or entity that you do not own or have explicit permission to represent, we reserve the right to remove the image upon request by the rightful owner or their authorized representatives.
We are not liable for any damages, losses, or legal consequences that may arise from the images uploaded to this platform. All content uploaded is the sole responsibility of the user who submitted it.
Only JPEG and PNG image formats are accepted.
Uploaded images must be 20x20 pixels. Larger images will be resized, and quality may be degraded as a result.
Links to web pages must start with http:// or https://.
All images and links will be reviewed to ensure they closely align with the projects goals.